6 min readMay 26, 2020

- How breathing systematically saved a man’s life

One of our clients, someone we worked with very closely had recently come under a lot of stress due to workplace changes. As professional pressure increased, his health began to decline. He loved a very healthy life otherwise- clean eating and exercise, but the stress and its related physical effects took over him.

With all this mental and physical stress, he also endured an untimely heart attack which he thankfully survived. The doctors overloaded him with medications and suggested that he have bypass surgery. But his life had just flashed before him. He had just learned what a negative mental state and a stressful lifestyle could do to him.

And so, he decided, that he would slow down and pay attention to his life rather than just let it pass him by.

He learned about several different breathwork techniques through us, and began applying them to his life. He would wake up early in the morning and take time out just to practice these techniques.

This helped him pay closer attention to his life, his thoughts. When he took time out, simply to concentrate on this aspect of his life, everything else around him began to get clearer. He was able to manage his stress and anxiety about his work and found a sense of peace and calm. The improvement in his mental state further accelerated his physical wellbeing along with the breathwork also having a direct effect on his health.

Breathing is something we quite literally cannot live without. Yet it is something we pay almost no attention towards. Most of us live our lives breathing subconsciously.

But the benefits of actually paying attention to this vital part of our life has the power to completely transform our mental and physical health.

Breathwork is this process of paying very close attention to our breathing through several different meditations and techniques. It’s a form of a breathing exercise that helps you connect with your physical body and also your internal thoughts and emotions.

Breathwork can have several benefits-

  • Stress relief
  • Reducing/ controlling anxiety
  • Decluttering of emotions and thoughts
  • Decreasing insomnia, managing sleep better
  • …and several other benefits that are specific to each type of exercise.

Here are some of the most practiced breathwork exercises -

  1. Resonance breathing-it is a slow relaxed method of breathing which is done at the rate of around 4 to 6 breaths per minute)

- Inhale slowly through your nose for 5 seconds.

- Exhale slowly through your nose for 5 seconds. (The aim is to pay attention to the air that’s coming in and going out. So, you can place your hand on your stomach and feel it as the air comes in, and then as it leaves.)

- You can repeat this for around 5 minutes. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times a day as you see fit.


  • Helps calm the body
  • Increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system- helps manage stress.

2. Kapalbhati breathing exercise-Consists of short powerful exhale but gentle inhales.

- Sit comfortably with your spine straight. (You can sit on the floor cross-legged or a chair with your feet flat.)

- Take a breath in.

- When you exhale, contract your stomach/ lower belly to force the air out in a short breath. Keep your hand on your stomach to feel the air moving ours rapidly.

- Repeat this 20 times to complete one round of this exercise. Complete two rounds to finish the practice.

  • After finishing pay attention to your body. Close your eyes and observe the feelings or sensations in your body.


  • Clears sinuses and lungs.
  • Increases concentration/focus.
  • Calm your mind.
  • Energize the nervous system.

3. Alternate nostril breathing-

- Left nostril- close your right nostril with your thumb.

- Slowly inhale through your left nostril for 4 seconds

- Slowly exhale through your left nostril for 4 seconds.

- Repeat 10 times.

- Right nostril- close your left nostril with your thumb.

- Slowly inhale through your right nostril for 4 seconds

- Slowly exhale through your right nostril for 4 seconds.

- Repeat 10 times.

- Alternate- Take your right hand and fold down the middle three fingers keeping the thumb and little finger up. (Use the little finger will be used to block the left nostril and thumb to block your right nostril.)

- Inhale through both your nostrils. Then hold both your nostrils closed using your thumb and little finger.

- Then release your thumb and exhale through your right nostril.

- Then breathe in through your right nostril for 4 seconds. Hold both your nostrils closed.

- Release the little finger and exhale out through the left nostril.

- Inhale through the left nostril for 4 seconds. Hold both nostrils.

- Exhale through the right nostril This is one cycle of this exercise. Practice 10 cycles of this.


  • Harmonizes the hemispheres of the brain.
  • This balances your physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Reduces stress.
  • It improves lung function.

4. Buteyko breathing-

- Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight. Breathe in normally and then exhale.

- Hold your nose with your thumb and forefinger.

- Hold for as long as feels comfortable, then let go when you feel the need to breathe in.

- Continue breathing normally for two more minutes, while paying close attention to your belly movement and the duration of your inhales and exhales.

- Then exhale once, and hold again.

- Hold for as long as feels comfortable and then let go to inhale again.

- Benefits-

  • Combat shortness of breath.
  • Help with reducing fatigue.

5. 4–7–8 Breathing-

- Inhale in deeply for 4 seconds.

- Hold the breath for 7 seconds.

- Exhale out for 8 seconds.

- Repeat this around 8 to 10 times as you see fit.


  • Relaxes the body into a state of calmness.
  • Quiets the mind, helps let go of occupying thoughts.

6. Bee breathing-

-Sit comfortably with your spine straight and inhale deeply.

-Exhale through your mouth, closing your lips, and making a humming sound like a bee while letting the air out of your mouth.

-Repeat this around 6 to 7 times and practice the entire thing 3 times a day.


  • Relaxes the mind.
  • It helps concentrate on the flow of air out of your body.

6. Ujjayi Breathing-

-Sit comfortably with your spine straight and inhale deeply.

-While exhaling, contract the back of your throat like you would while fogging up the mirror or a window.

Continue inhaling and exhaling this way for 5 minutes. If you want to increase the intensity, go up to 15 minutes.


  • Clears your mind, and helps you concentrate on your physical body.
  • It helps your mind connect with your body.
  • Also help you pay attention to your emotions, process them.

7. Belly breathing-

- Keep one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly.

- Inhale deeply through your nose.

- Exhale slowly through a pursed lip.

- At every breath, pay attention to the movement of your belly rising and falling.


  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Improves your core stability.
  • It helps you relax, and concentrate on your body movement.

8. Box Breathing-

- Sit comfortably with your spine straight and inhale deeply for 4 seconds.

- Hold your breath for 4 seconds.

- Exhale slowly for 4 seconds.

- Repeat this cycle for 4 to 5 minutes.

- Benefits- Reduces stress and calms you down.

-It helps you slow your thoughts and your body.

Your personal experience and your results for each of these practices are going to be unique for you. Please do consult with a health professional before trying them out if you do suffer from any serious medical conditions.

Breathing is a very important and vital part of your life. Trying out these techniques can prove to be very important especially about your stress levels.




Zariyaa is a corporate wellbeing company, working towards enhancing health and happiness factors of Employees